Please provide every W-2, 1099, 1098 and any applicable papers needed to file your taxes, including any expenses receipts. If you are a new customer, please bring in last year’s returns.
Your Name:__________________________________________________________
Spouse’s Name:______________________________________________________
Residential Address:__________________________________________________
Mailing Address (if different):___________________________________________
Telephone Number:___________________________________________________
Your SSN:_______________________ Spouse’s SSN:___________________
Your DOB:_______________________ Spouse’s DOB:___________________
Legally Blind: You______________ Spouse:_____________
Your Occupation:_____________________ Spouse’s Occupation:______________
Can anyone else claim you as a dependent? You__________ Spouse:_________
Is this return for a deceased person, If Date of Death?______________________________________
Filing Status:
____ Single ____ Married filing a joint return ____ Married filing separate
____ Head of Household ____ Qualifying Widow(er) Year Spouse Died:_______
If filing as Head of Household, and qualifying person is a child but not your dependent
Enter Child’s Name_____________________ SSN_______________________
Do you have any dependents? ____Yes ____No
Name:_________________________________ SSN________________________
Date of Birth:_________________________ Relationship:_______________
How long lived with you: ___Months
If more than one dependent , please send an email with the rest. Or print this form and add it.
Do you pay rent? Yes____ No____, How Much_________
Do you own a house? Yes____ No____ Have rental income? Yes____ No____
Last year’s Adjusted Gross Income? ____________
Please Circle One, If a refund how do you prefer to receive your money?
Direct Deposit or Check (by mail)
Bank Name_____________________________ CK or Sav Account (circle one)
Routing #_______________________ Account_______________________
Do you have health insurance? yes____ no ____ Insurance policy #_______________
Health Connector for even only 1 day on the year? bring Form 1095-A